We strive to have a learning culture where we aspire for success for every member, where thinking, problem solving and risk taking are encouraged.
We are committed to giving our best in all we do to ensure our children are prepared for the future, both through engaging, meaningful education and by developing confidence, self-belief and resilience.
We value working with parents and are committed to effective partnerships.
We will create a community where values are shared and respect is integral; a community where each individual is understood, nurtured, kept safe and celebrated.
We will reflect and research to ensure we constantly move forward in giving our children equal opportunities and the highest quality education that they deserve.
A journey to success where barriers are only hurdles to be overcome and challenges stimulate our learning.
Address: Harwood Hall Lane, Upminster, Essex RM14 2YQ
Telephone: 01708 225888
Email: office@corbetstey.havering.sch.uk