Parents & Carers

Parents and Carers

This information is dedicated to parents and carers of students currently attending our school.  Please select an item of interest.  If you would like a paper copy of the information on this website including any policies, this can be arranged. 

Please contact the school office on 01708 225888 or by email

Parent and Carer Newsletters

Main School Site

8th September 2023

Avelon Site

The School Day

The School Day is structured as follows:

8.45am - Arrivals

9.00am - Start of the Day

12.00pm to 1.00pm - Lunch,  Recreation and Learning Activities

3.00pm - End of the School Day

If you are bringing your young person to school and collecting them at the end of the day, the car park is very busy between 8.30 and 8.55am and 3.05pm and 3.20pm.

Student Absence

If a child or young person is going to be absent from school, parents and carers should telephone the school office before 9.30am to advise with regard to the reason for this absence.

If the school does not receive any notification it will therefore have no indication of the reason for a child or young person being absent from school, the school and will contact a parent or carer (by telephone, if possible), to find out the reason for the absence. Please see the Attendance Policy on the school website for further information regarding student absence procedures.

School Meals

Corbets Tey School use Havering Catering Services (HCS) to provide all School Meals.

Payment for school meals is made via an online system called sQuid. Click here to login to the sQuid School Meals Payment System.


Information from Havering Catering Services (HCS) about Natasha’s Law

Natasha’s Law came into effect on 1st October 2021. As a service, HCS have taken the necessary steps to ensure compliance.  One of the requirements of the Law is to ensure the relevant information (allergen and ingredients data), is accessible and available at the point of pre-ordering to ensure an informed choice. HCS have produced access to this data for school trips.  To manage stock and ordering, HCS require that all pre-orders are collated and submitted to the kitchen with a minimum of 5 working days’ notice.

In our school, we need orders for packed lunches for school trips is received by Wednesday in the previous week to the trip. Parents and Carers should be advised that they can view the to the allergens, nutrition and ingredients information.  If a student requires an emergency packed lunch on the day of the trip we will always obtain parent or carers permission and ensure awareness of the allergens, nutrition and ingredients information at the time.

Click here for information of claiming free school meals

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