Have severe learning difficulties with some having profound and complex needs
Have significant and specific needs in the areas of sensory development, communication and interaction
Have a potential diagnosis of sensory processing disorder and ASD alongside their severe learning difficulty
Require a high level of support to access a personalised curriculum, often with individual timetables (where appropriate)
Require planned opportunities to interact with others
May have a range of needs including physical and medical, communication, social, emotional, mental health and or specific learning difficulties.
Need support with many aspects of self-care (including feeding, dressing and intimate care)
Students access a provision which is multi-sensory and exploratory. The main focus throughout this pathway is the development of early interaction, communication skills and enhancing their preferred communication method to a level where it is functional. The main route to learning is through personalised targets with one to one teaching and support and where appropriate small group activities encourage social interaction for learners. Students will have one to one teaching to develop self-help and independent skills in addition to their communication programmes. Most students will access self-regulation opportunities through sensory interventions where it has been identified to have a positive impact. Students benefit from a curriculum which focuses around repetition of skills and over learning is essential for developing fluency.
Students in this pathway will have access to:
High staff ratio alongside smaller class numbers to support access to curriculum and needs of students
Access to a range of indoor and outdoor learning environments such as Sensory Garden, Sand and Water areas etc…
Access to facilities to develop self-help and personal care skills
Students may require more than one adult to access the curriculum within all aspects of their daily activities
Objects of reference
Sign Supported English
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
Intensive interaction
Attention Autism
Access to breakout areas to support self-regulation
Sensory diets and sensory integration programs
Sensory stories and multi-sensory approaches
Social Stories
Visual supports (timetables, key rings)
Inclusive technology (switches, eye gaze)
Adaptive physical aids e.g. chairs/tables
Opportunities for Enterprise (Careers)
Access to technology to aid and support literacy
Visual supports in regards to literacy development
Learning intentions for students within this pathway are taken from:
EHCP outcomes (Long term and annual)
Pre Key Stage Standards (working towards accessing the National Curriculum)
Learning Pathway Targets(up to and including Year 6 learners)
Pathway to Adulthood Targets(from Year 7 and up to and including Year 14 learners)
School Communication Interventions
Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Programmes
Sensory Programmes
Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy Programmes
Student progress is assessed through:
Learning intentions taken from suggested frameworks above
Evidence for Learning (Assessment Periods)
Communication data
Functional skills data
ABC data (where appropriate)
Behaviour reduction data (where appropriate)
Engagement Model (Year 1 to Year 11)
Students may stay within the informal curriculum within the green pathway throughout their time at CTS or transfer to a semi-formal curriculum pathway when their communication ensures that they have access to this pathway.
Address: Harwood Hall Lane, Upminster, Essex RM14 2YQ
Telephone: 01708 225888